High up in the mountains of Myanmar, heading Northwest towards Naga, is a story of hope and a story of perseverance.
Our partner is Bright Lantern Company. They bring hope to remote communities by training local farmers and their families to grow the best tasting specialty coffee in the world.
“Best tasting” is an audacious claim. But we believe they are onto something big. They have a 4 year plan to purchase and process coffee all the along this mountain range into the northwestern region of Naga.

However, this year has been particularly difficult for them. The civil war in the country poses dangers daily. In fact, they were forced off coffee mountain during their harvest as the frontline of the fighting passed through. Many farmers had their coffee cherries perish on the trees.
It was heart breaking. Many of those families received little or no profit from their labor.
Lai Yar, founder of Bright Lantern presses on. She attributes many business challenges to the military coup, high inflation, and dangerous mountain roads.
But there is hope she says, and we share that hope. God has sent us many new people through our business relationships. We lead them forward to learn what it means to become a disciple in God’s kingdom. This is the most joyful part.
Lai Yar is working hard to open new green coffee markets for Bright Lantern. Because of her efforts, she sees farmers switching their crops from opium back to coffee trees. What better way to leave a legacy for future generations?
We invite you to join this story.
This Christmas, we are donating 10% of all Christmas Blend sales to Myanmar. The funds will go to community development, agriculture and leadership development.
All you have to do is try this year's Christmas Blend coffee featuring Lai Yar's coffee from Myanmar.
And remember: Love Coffee. Love People More.
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