Far away from the noise of the protesters gathering en masse in all the big cities of the country, Lighthouse Coffee Mountain begins to "buzz" with activity like a beehive as soon as the clock hits 8 AM --- every morning.
Coffee beans are being dried, sorted, measured and stored. Meals are being cooked, children looked after and classes are taught. As many as 40 people have found work and a stable income here, in Myanmar's season of increasing destabilization.  There might not be any protests on coffee mountain, but the effects of the ongoing political unrest have already reached the surrounding villages.
This is a place where one day's wage usually adds up to about $3 USD and jobs are rare outside of farming. The rising price of food threaten people‘s bare existence.
Our site supervisor, Saya Zayar Min reports: Just the other day, a grandmother walked all the way up to find me. She asked if she could have a little bit of work on our farm...she does not have enough to eat. Like many people in this area she has been growing chili peppers these past few years but are now unable to sell them
Other people are coming to ask for help, as hospital and school staff have been on strike these past weeks. And many government facilities are closed.
Lighthouse coffee mountain has become more than a workplace, it is a refuge for the people in this area. They go home in the evenings with their stomachs filled and their worries shared with others. They wake up each morning to a paying job and a purpose for the day. 

It is quite remarkable, that by purchasing and drinking Lighthouse Coffee roasted in Canada, you provide many people in this region of Myanmar an income, warm meals, safe community and hope in a troubling season.

We want to ask you to pray for our country and our work here on the mountain. There is a lot to do and a great need and we need wisdom for it all. Pray that we would be able to sell and export our coffee this year, in this uncertain political situation. And, of course, Thank You!!!!

Saya Zayar Min


Why don't you purchase two bags of Lighthouse Coffee today and join a growing community of 'social-impact-coffee-drinkers'!  Click here...



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