Swell ~ Indonesia

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This coffee is silky smooth. 
We notice hints of peat, cedar, roasted almond and caramel. 

What will you taste?

Our partnership began in April 2023 with Ketiara Cooperative when we met the Queen herself at the Specialty Coffee Association Expo in Portland. What a delight it was to meet that team! Everyone had this contagious smile...we will not forget you.
  • Certified: ORGANIC / Fair Trade
  • Single Origin: Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia
  • Farming Community: Ratu Ketiara Gayo (RKG) Cooperative
  • Variety: Regional catimor & typica cultivars
  • Elevation: 1,200 - 1600 masl
  • Process: Wet-hulled and patio dried in the sun

Roasted to order in small batches every Tues/Weds!
